Costa Rica, si; CAFTA, no!

Estimado Presidente Arias:

Excuse me for writing in English, as my Spanish is not fluent enough to
express my concerns.

Costa Rica is known in the United States (and, I think, throughout the
world), as a peaceful and prosperous country with a stable government,
sound educational, ecological, & economic policies, a history of defending
human rights, and a self-sustaining economy. It is the country where
every teacher of English as a second language would love to get a job, but
where, unlike other Latin American countries, most of those jobs are
filled by volunteers willing to work for nothing merely to live in this
wonderful place. Among all the countries of Latin America, Costa Rica is
notable for its political and economic stability, the generally good
living conditions of its populace, its healthy public educational system,
its excellent public health system, & its respect for workers’ rights &
human rights in general.

All of these, especially the last two, would be jeopardized by signing
CAFTA. It is admirable and remarkable that Costa Rica has held out
against what must be major pressure from the US and other countries to
sign this ill-advised agreement. I sincerely hope that you will continue
to resist so that Costa Rica will remain an island of peace and stability
unaffected by the earthquakes and tsunamis of international takeovers.

Respectfully, Leslie Sirag

Leslie Sirag/R.L. “Seth” Watkins

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